Victron Multiplus 48/5000 Inverter System for Home

Review of the Victron Multiplus 48/5000 Inverter System for a Private Home:

The Victron Multiplus 48/5000 inverter system with 5000 W capacity is the perfect solution for ensuring stable power supply to a private home. It can provide continuous power for lighting and key appliances such as refrigerators, household equipment, and heaters, while also supporting internet connectivity during power outages.

The system includes a Victron Multiplus 48/5000 inverter and four 12V 220Ah batteries, ensuring long autonomous operation at 100W power consumption. At maximum load, the system can provide power for several hours, while in minimal modes (such as powering only the internet), autonomy can extend to dozens of hours.

The system includes a Color Control device with a monitor for precise control, offering full monitoring of all system parameters, including battery charge, solar panel connection, grid status, and load.

Additionally, the system integrates solar panels, providing extra power for autonomous power supply. This significantly reduces grid load and saves energy, especially on sunny days.

To extend battery life, the system features battery balancers, ensuring even charge distribution across all batteries. This prevents voltage drops and supports stable operation for years to come.

A key feature is the ability to limit consumption to 10 kW from the power grid, helping to avoid overloading the home grid while providing additional power from solar panels and batteries when needed.

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