Autonomní systém napájení Victron Multiplus 48/5000 pro domácnosti

Recenze invertorového systému Victron Multiplus 48/5000 pro domácnosti

Invertorový systém Victron Multiplus 48/5000 s výkonem 5000 W je ideálním řešením pro zajištění stabilního napájení vaší domácnosti. Tento is the 5000-watt inverter, which converts energy from the batteries and solar panels into the electricity needed to power the home. 2. Batteries – 8 batteries, each with a capacity of 12V and 200 Ah, ensure a long-lasting backup power supply in case of solar energy unavailability or grid failure. Depending on energy consumption, the system can operate in different modes: - At 200 W load, the system can run autonomously for about 48 hours (without recharging from solar panels or the grid). - At 500 W load, it can last for 19 hours. - At 1000 W load, it will run for 9.5 hours. - At full power (5000 W), the system will run for about 1.9 hours. 3. Solar Panels – The system includes several solar panels that provide autonomous energy, enabling battery charging during the day and reducing grid dependency. 4. Victron Energy Venus GX – This monitoring device offers detailed control over all aspects of the system, including battery status, energy consumption, and solar energy input. Remote access is available through the internet. 5. Battery Balancers – The system is equipped with battery balancers to maintain optimal performance across all batteries, extending their lifespan and efficiency.

System Advantages:

  • Long Battery Life. With powerful batteries and solar panel support, your system will keep your home powered for many hours, even during grid outages.
  • Additional Power. The system can provide an extra 5 kW when needed, compensating for the grid's 10 kW limitation.
  • Internet Backup. The system also supports internet backup, preventing connection interruptions during power failures.
  • Long-Term Durability. Thanks to the battery balancers, the batteries will continue to function optimally for many years.


The Victron Multiplus 48/5000 inverter system is a reliable and long-lasting solution for autonomous home energy supply. You can be confident that all your household devices will run smoothly, and with the help of solar panels and modern batteries, you'll achieve independence from external power sources.

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